AzureBay Help File
Created July 2007

Additional Information can be found at




How to use the Program�� 2

Install / Uninstall the software2

Configuring the Screen Saver4

Configuring the Wallpaper7

Editing Images and Image Sets8

Setting the Calendar9

Using Sound9

Using Panamotion10

Using Netlauncher10

Program Malfunctions�� 10

Removing the Registration Pop-Up Reminder10

Calendar Problems11

Wallpaper Problems12

Screen Saver Problems13

Trouble Shooting Errors�� 13

Automation Errors13

Errors 5 & 6214

Errors 9 & 38015

Error 1316

Errors 52 & 5316

Error 9117

Illegal Operations17

Move Data Process Errors 113 & 13217

Other Errors18

Program Conflicts with other Software18

Additional Information�� 19

How to check the program version19

How the Program works19 Web Site�� 20

How to create/access my online account 20

How to change my listed email address or update my account 20

How to register the software20

How to download Bonus images20




How to use the Program


Install / Uninstall the software

Installation Instructions.

If there are problems running the setup.exe file from the CD and you can see the files on the CD, you can try copying all of the files from the CD to a folder on your desktop.Then run the installation from there.


If the computer won�t recognize the CD, be sure to first restart the computer.If the problem continues try installing the CD onto a different computer, to try to find out if the problem is with the CD-ROM drive or with the CD.If a replacement is required, email for instructions on where to send the CD.A replacement will not solve the problem if another computer can read the CD but yours cannot.In this case, you should update the drivers for your CD-ROM drive.


If the CD requires a serial number to install your purchased title, it can be found on a slip of paper stored with the CD in the CD packaging.Only certain Colorado titles require a serial number to install.


To obtain a serial number to install a free Bonus set, register the software title at


To install just the images and not the program files, Open My Computer, RIGHT click on the CD-ROM drive and choose Open.Double click the ImageInstall.exe file.An existing AzureBay program should already be installed as this will not install the program files needed to view the screen saver.This option can be useful if a user does not want to over-write newer program files with older ones.



Uninstall Instructions


Manual Uninstall Instructions


Additional Uninstall Information

AzureBay files are typically stored in the following locations.

Windows all versions���� C:\Program Files\AzureBay

Windows 2000, XP, Vista�� ������ C:\Documents & Settings\(user account name)\Local Settings\Application Data

Windows 98����� ���������� C:\Windows\Local Settings\Application Data

Local Settings is typically a hidden folder.�� To change your settings to allow you to view hidden files and folders, click on Tools-Folder Options-View.


The installation program adds links to the windows startup.Items can usually be removed by clicking on Start-Programs-StartUp �RIGHT clicking on a link and choosing Delete.These links are named WPChanger, Wallpaper Changer, & Register


The installation program creates various windows registry keys.These can be removed by opening the windows Registry Editor.Click on Start-Run.Type in �Regedit� and click OK.Click on Edit-Find to find �AzureBay� entries.Essential entries needed to run the program are found in �




Configuring the Screen Saver


A screen saver is an image, many images, or an animation that appears on your screen when you are not using the computer. The screen saver only starts running after the computer has been idle for a set amount of time. When the screen saver is running you cannot see your Start button, wallpaper icons, or programs. To stop the screen saver from running and return to your work, simply move the mouse or hit a key on your keyboard.

The Screen Saver Sub Tabs...
Basic Settings - contains all of your general controls
Calendar - controls the screen saver calendar only, does not affect the wallpaper calendar
Sound - these controls are only active for specific titles.Not all titles include sound files.
PanaMotion - controls for panoramic images (not all titles have panoramic images)
Netlauncher (for advertising screen savers only)

The Screen Saver Basic Settings Controls
The "Image Set" drop down menu shows the current screen saver title. If you have more than one screen saver title, simply click on the drop down arrow to choose between your titles or randomize them all into one. In this case the Image Set is Ten Bonus Images. Most of the other controls are self explanatory.

Some screen savers come with titles or a paragraph of information (info panel). This information will only be displayed when your screen saver is running. Some screen savers contain this text in various languages.

After making any changes always remember to click "Apply". The Apply button will ensure that your new changes take affect.

Additional screen saver controls are found in Windows Display Properties.These Windows Settings over-ride the AzureBay settings.To open Display Properties, RIGHT click on your desktop and choose Properties.The Windows password protection feature can be found here as well as power saving features for your monitor and computer.Password Protection only occurs when the screen saver comes on automatically on its own, and not when it is previewed.

The power saving features can automatically turn off the monitor or computer after a set amount of inactivity.



Configuring the Wallpaper



The Wallpaper is an image that appears in your background behind your Windows icons. The wallpaper or sometimes called the "background" or "desktop" image is usually the first image that you see after windows is completely finished booting up.

The Wallpaper Sub Tabs...
Basic Settings - contains all of your general controls
Calendar - controls the wallpaper calendar only, does not affect the screen saver calendar
Sound - these controls are only active for titles that specifically advertise audio features

The Wallpaper Basic Settings Controls
The "Image Set" drop down menu shows the current screen saver title. If you have more than one screen saver title, simply click on the drop down arrow to choose between your titles or randomize them all into one. In this case the Image Set is Lighthouses of North America.

The "Size to fit screen" box is useful in sizing the image and calendar to best fit your screen.

After making any changes always remember to click "Apply". The Apply button will ensure that your new changes take affect.

Additional Wallpaper Controls are found in Windows Display Properties. These Windows Settings over-ride the AzureBay settings.To open Display Properties, RIGHT click on your desktop and choose Properties.


Editing Images and Image Sets



The Edit Sets Tab in the AzureBay Configuration allows users to remove either individual images or entire Image Sets from the screen saver and wallpaper cycles.Simply select an image or image set and click the Exclude� button.Image Sets that include Title Pages can have the Title Page removed by unchecking the Show Title Page box.A Title Page is an image that first appears during a screen saver cycle that introduces the particular Image Set about to be shown.



Setting the Calendar

For problems with the calendar date, please refer to the Program Malfunctions section of this help file or visit


The AzureBay program contains 2 calendars.A Screen Saver calendar accessible within the AzureBay Configuration under the Screen Saver tab, and a Wallpaper calendar accessible within the AzureBay Configuration under the Wallpaper tab.Changing the screen saver calendar settings, will not affect the wallpaper calendar.If a calendar is not showing on the screen properly, the image may be larger than the screen.Be sure to check the Size to Fit screen box under the wallpaper and screen saver tabs.



Using Sound

While most AzureBay titles do not include sound files some do.Refer to the software packaging to see if audio files are specifically advertised.Titles that might include audio files should also require Windows Media Player on the System Requirements of the packaging.


Screen Saver Sounds

The screen saver sound controls can be found in the AzureBay Configuration window under the screen saver tab.�Looping� is a screen saver sound option which allows an audio file to repeat if a screen saver image has not yet changed.Otherwise, once the audio file is finished playing the program waits until the next image appears and then plays the corresponding audio file related to the new image.During the screen saver mode, each image is assigned a specific audio file.Only the audio file corresponding to the displayed image will play regardless if �looping� is selected or not.



Wallpaper Sounds

The wallpaper sound controls can be found in the AzureBay Configuration window under the wallpaper tab.The only options found there are to turn the wallpaper sound on or off.Because wallpaper images are static and do not change often, wallpaper sounds typically do not match the wallpaper image displayed in the background.Rather, the entire audio library installed with a selected image set plays while you work.

The AzureBay Wallpaper controls found in the System Tray provide quick access to wallpaper sounds.Simply RIGHT click on the AzureBay Icon to turn the sounds off, choose new wallpaper, or open the configuration settings.


Using Panamotion

While most AzureBay titles do not include panoramic images some do.Refer to the front of the software packaging to see if �Panoramic� is advertised.Panoramic titles contain both long horizontal and vertical images.Standard non-panoramic images are sized in 1024x768 and 1600x1200 pixel dimensions.To verify if your images are panoramic, you can open them using an image program.Images are located in their image folder found in C:\Program Files\AzureBay\AzureBay Screen Saver\


If panamotion is turned on, an image will pan across the screen allowing a user to view the entire image.Otherwise panoramic images are too large to fit on a screen and only a portion of the image will be displayed.


If the image streaks as it pans or doesn�t fit on the screen properly�ensure that the windows monitor settings are set to either High or True Color.These settings can be found in Windows Display Properties under the Settings tab. Also ensure that the box �Size to fit Screen� is checked under the screen saver tab


Using Netlauncher

Netlauncher is a feature for custom built screen savers typically used in advertisement.When Netlauncher is turned on and the screen saver is running, a user can press the Tab or Esc keys on the keyboard to visit the advertised web site.There will usually also be an advertiser�s logo that appears on the images informing users to visit the advertiser�s web site.Screen savers with advertising logos are usually given away for free as part of some promotion.Users who purchase titles will not have an advertiser�s logo on their images.


Program Malfunctions


Removing the Registration Pop-Up Reminder

Older versions of the software when installed on newer versions of windows that they were not designed for may have had a glitch where the AzureBay registration pop-up reminder would appear every time Windows starts.This problem has been corrected in later versions of the software.To correct the problem, there are a few different solutions�


The latest version of the software can be found by visiting a CD containing the latest version will also solve the problem.


To Edit the Windows StartUp, click on Start-Programs-StartUp.RIGHT click on the Register link and choose Delete.

OR � Click on Start-Run.Type in �MSCONFIG� and click OK.Click on the StartUp tab and remove the checkmark from the Register box.Click apply.

OR � Click on Start-Search.Search for the word �Register�.The correct file should be found in the Start Menu folder and should have an AzureBay icon.Clicking on it should bring up the Pop-Up Reminder.



Calendar Problems

Most calendar date problems can be solved by either updating the AzureBay software or checking a few windows settings.If a calendar is not placed on an image properly ensure that the Size to Fit Screen box is checked in the AzureBay configuration.There are two calendars in the program, one for the screen saver (settings are under the screen saver tab) and one for the wallpaper with settings under the wallpaper tab.If the calendar colors don�t look right, ensure that Windows is configured to have your monitor display either True or High Color.


Trouble Shooting the Calendar Date


To view the StartUp, click on Start-Programs-StartUp.Wallpaper links are listed as either WPChanger or Wallpaper Changer.


The Windows Date & Time settings are found in the Windows Control Panel.They can also be accessed by double clicking the clock found in the System Tray.



For Windows XP & Vista, RIGHT click on the Desktop and point to �Arrange Icons By��.Ensure that Show Desktop Icons is checked and that �Lock Web Items on Desktop� is not checked.



For Windows 98 & 2000, RIGHT click on the Desktop and choose Properties.Under the Web tab in Windows Display Properties ensure that the Active Desktop box is not checked.


International Users may need to change their Regional settings found in the control panel.This is especially the case if they already have the latest version of the software installed, and the displayed date remains on January.The software currently accepts English (United States) and most European time and date formats.If a date problem occurs, try adjusting both the short and long date formats and then placing a new wallpaper image on the screen.An example of acceptable formats is shown.In some countries the first day on a calendar is Monday instead of Sunday.This unfortunately cannot be changed.




Wallpaper Problems

If the wallpaper is not stretching to fit the screen correctly there are two basic controls that can be adjusted.Ensure that the �Size to fit Screen� box is checked in the AzureBay configuration under the wallpaper tab.Also ensure that �Stretch� is selected in Windows Display Properties under the Desktop/Background tab.RIGHT click on the desktop and choose Properties to open Windows Display Properties.


For problems with the wallpaper automatically changing



To view the StartUp, click on Start-Programs-StartUp.Wallpaper links are listed as either WPChanger or Wallpaper Changer.



For Windows XP & Vista, RIGHT click on the Desktop and point to �Arrange Icons By��.Insure that Show Desktop Icons is checked and that �Lock Web Items on Desktop� is not checked.



For Windows 98 & 2000, RIGHT click on the Desktop and choose Properties.Under the Web tab in Windows Display Properties ensure that the Active Desktop box is not checked.



Screen Saver Problems

If the screen saver automatically turns off or gives a black screen after running for a while, a windows monitor setting needs to be adjusted.RIGHT click on the Desktop and choose Properties.This will open Windows Display Properties.Under the Screen Saver tab, change the Monitor Power Settings so the monitor and computer hard disks, etc do not automatically turn off.This will ensure that the monitor doesn�t automatically turn off, showing a black screen.



Trouble Shooting Errors


Automation Errors

An automation error generally occurs when the AzureBay program is prevented from running as it should.This could be the case if a windows setting prevents certain features from running.



The latest AzureBay version can be obtained from


RIGHT click on the Desktop and choose Properties.This will open Windows Display Properties.Under the Screen Saver tab, change the Monitor Power Settings so the monitor and computer hard disks, etc do not automatically turn off.


Open Windows Media Player.Ensure that you are using Windows Media Player version 9 or higher.Click on Tools-Options, ensure that �Allow screen saver during playback is checked�.



Errors 5 & 62

This problem can occur when AzureBay files become jumbled due to previous un-installations, manual file deletions, etc.The below procedure will allow users to reset the software.


Open C:\Program Files\AzureBay\AzureBay Screen Saver\

Delete the ScreenSaver.ini text file.


Open the Windows Application Data folder and Delete the following AzureBay files if they are listed�







For Windows 2000, XP, & Vista
Open C:\Documents and Settings\(Personal user account - usually the
name of a person)\Local Settings (it's a hidden folder)\Application data.
To change your settings to allow you to view hidden files and folders, click on Tools-Folder Options-View.



For Windows 98

Open C:\Windows\Local Settings (it's a hidden folder)\Application Data.  To change your settings to allow you to view hidden files and folders, click on Tools-Folder Options-View.



Errors 9 & 380

Errors 9 & 380 indicate that pieces of the program are either missing or aren�t linked together properly.Sometimes, this can result in a loop of error messages which keep coming up.


To temporarily stop the error message from appearing hit Ctrl, Alt, & Delete on your keyboard all at the same time.  Using the Task Manager/Close Program window, End Task/Close the WPChanger, and/or Wallpaper Changer programs if they are running.  This will stop the program loop until you restart the computer.


Another means to stop the error messages from appearing is to click on Start, Programs, StartUp.  RIGHT click with the RIGHT mouse button on the WPChanger/Wallpaper Changer link and choose Delete.  Then restart the computer.This will disable the wallpaper until the problem is corrected.


The most common reasons why this error occurs are...

1) The installation location/folder of the program was changed during setup.

2) There are many user login accounts on the computer

3) This is not a standard USA version of windows


Additional Info

If the problem persists after following these steps, follow the steps for Errors 5 & 62.


1) The easiest solution is to uninstall and reinstall without changing any of the setup defaults.  To uninstall, click on Start, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs.  Highlight the AzureBay screen saver and click add/remove.If the problem continues, follow the suggestion in step 3) changing the registry key to match the installation folder�or delete the registry key and reinstall the software.


2) It's likely that each user account has their own windows registry even though programs are shared between users.  The azurebay program needs a registry key in order to run correctly.  To create a registry key for a user, simply reinstall the program.  This should be done for each user.  Login to a users account.  If the error message appears, stop it from appearing, and reinstall the program for that user.


An alternative solution is to install the latest update while logged into an administrator's account. This will create the missing registry keys for all of the user accounts on the computer.The latest AzureBay update is available at


3) If you are not using a standard USA (English) version of windows, the registry key needs to be changed to the language of windows that you are using.  To do this, click on Start, Run.  Type in "Regedit" and click OK.  Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER / software / AzureBay / AzureBay Configuration / ProgramPath.  On the right side of the screen you will see the wrong program path.  Right click on "default" and choose Modify.  Change the path to the correct location that you installed the program to.


Error 13

This is really a calendar date problem, and most often occurs with international users.

Click on Start, Programs, AzureBay.  Go to the wallpaper tab then to the
sub-calendar tab.  Turn the wallpaper calendar off and click apply.

Go to the screen saver tab, then to the sub-calendar tab.  Turn the screen saver calendar off and click apply.

Click on Start, Settings, Control Panel.  Open up Regional Options/Settings.
Click on the Date tab.
Under the Short date, select the following format. d/M/yyyy (day / month / year)

Restart the computer.

Errors 52 & 53

These errors typically name a problem file within a folder.


C:\Program Files\AzureBay\AzureBay Screen Saver\(image folder name)\AB.bmp  error ID 53

C:\Program Files\AzureBay\AzureBay Screen Saver\(image folder name)\AB_IP.bmp  error ID 53


Download and save the below files to the image folder giving the error message.



C:\Program Files\AzureBay\AzureBay Screen Saver\folder name\image.bmp01  error ID 53

Follow the steps for Errors 5 & 62



Runtime Error 53: File not found, C:\Program Files\AzureBay\AzureBay screensaver\ssj.bmp


Open C:\Program Files\AzureBay\AzureBay Screen Saver\
Open one of your image folders
Open any one of the large jpg images with almost any image program
Save the File as ssj.bmp and place the saved file in the folder mentioned in
the error message.


Error 91

An Error 91 is a user induced error.It occurs when a user is using the wallpaper controls in the AzureBay configuration and clicks on �Image Info�� without first having selected a specific image to get info on.In order to select a specific image, the �Image Set� drop down menu must first be set to a specific image set and not set to �Randomize From All Image Sets�.



Illegal Operations

Illegal Operations most often occur when there is a problem with a non-AzureBay program and it is interfering with the AzureBay software.When an Illegal Operation error appears there will often be a details button.The first two lines of the details will often reveal the name of programs or files involved in the program conflict.Finding out information about problem files will often reveal that a certain non-AzureBay program needs to be updated or removed.



Move Data Process Errors 113 & 132

An "Error 132 - an error occurred during the move data process" is fairly easy to correct.  It only happens during the installation of an AzureBay Screen Saver.  It occurs on certain titles when an AzureBay program is already running and prevents new files from being installed.


To correct the problem so that the new images can be installed....


Hit the Ctrl, Alt, and Delete keys on your keyboard.

A close program box will appear.

End Task to the WPChanger or the Wallpaper Changer program.

Now install the new screen saver.


An alternate solution is to open My Computer, RIGHT click on the CD-ROM drive and choose Open.Double click the ImageInstall.exe file.



An error 113 message indicates that there is a problem with windows running the install program.  This error most often occurs when installing software downloaded from the internet.The problem does not lie with the program but with your Window's temp files.  Usually restarting the computer will reset your windows temp files and correct the problem allowing you to install the program.


If that doesn't work, then you'll need to open the folder and delete the file listed in the error message, and repeat until successful. These files will be listed as hdr, data, etc. They are safe to delete as they are temporary files used for installation.



Other Errors

For a complete up-to-date list of AzureBay related errors, please visit

Errors not listed in this help file are extremely rare.Errors not listed on the support pages are likely so rare that no information has been gathered about them because no users have reported them before.Errors not listed on the online support pages are likely caused by a program conflict with other software on the computer.


The AzureBay program will never ask users to insert CDs or to install other programs.Sometimes a partial or demo installation of a non-AzureBay program may interfere with the screen saver.If this happens, a message asking to install the full version of the non-AzureBay program may appear when you access the AzureBay program.This may happen because of a mix-up in temp files or other program malfunctions.Uninstalling or installing the full version of the non-AzureBay program listed in the message should solve the problem.



Program Conflicts with other Software

If users have multiple screen savers or wallpaper programs it is possible that they could conflict with one another.An example would be where another wallpaper program places an image over the AzureBay wallpaper, preventing users from viewing the AzureBay wallpaper.Disabling or turning off the other wallpaper program will allow the AzureBay wallpaper program to display the image.Likewise, the AzureBay wallpaper should be turned off (controls found in the AzureBay configuration) if another wallpaper program is used.


The AzureBay program will never ask users to insert CDs or to install other programs.Sometimes a partial or demo installation of a non-AzureBay program may interfere with the screen saver.If this happens, a message asking to install the full version of the non-AzureBay program may appear when you access the AzureBay program.This may happen because of a mix-up in temp files or other program malfunctions.Uninstalling or installing the full version of the non-AzureBay program listed in the message should solve the problem.



Additional Information


How to check the program version

AzureBay version information can be found in the Configuration in the top right corner of the �About� tab.This only tells the version of the Configuration.exe file however.If multiple program versions have been installed, the file versions for the different AzureBay program files may be different.Open C:\Program Files\AzureBay\AzureBay Screen Saver\

RIGHT click on WPChanger.exe and choose Properties to see when the file was created as well as the program version for that specific file.Repeat with the Register.exe file, and the AzureBay.scr file found in C:\Windows



How the Program works

The AzureBay program stores image information is in 2 places.

For help finding the Application Data folder see the information contained in Errors 5 & 62 in this help file.

Windows 98, 2000, XP, & Vista

C:\Program Files\AzureBay\AzureBay Screen Saver\

Windows 2000, XP, & Vista

C:\Documents & Settings\(personal user account name)\Local Settings\Application Data

Windows 98

C:\Windows\Local Settings\Application Data


All other AzureBay program files are stored in C:\Program Files\AzureBay\AzureBay Screen Saver\

Except for the AzureBay.scr file which is found in C:\Windows


AzureBay links allow the program to automatically start running when windows starts.�� Links to the AzureBay Register.exe and WPChanger.exe files are found in the Windows StartUp.More information on how to access/delete these links is found in the Removing the Registration Pop-Up Reminder under the Program Malfunctions section of this help file.


The program uses windows registry keys to link the program information together.The windows registry editor can be opened by clicking on Start-Run and typing in �Regedit�

AzureBay information essential to running the program is found in



The path contained in Program Path folder must match the actual folder that the program was installed to.

The Register folder is essential in preventing the Register Pop-Up Reminder from appearing when Windows loads.This folder is created when a user clicks OK to register or when they decline to register. Web Site


How to create/access my online account

You can login by visiting There you can either login to an existing account or create a new one.


In order to login to the web site, your internet privacy settings need to allow for cookies.  Cookies are used on the AzureBay site to track your order or bring up requested information from page to page.  We do not collect any information from you with the use of cookies. 


If you are using Internet Explorer 6.x or higher on windows...

Click on Tools - Internet Options - Privacy

Lower your privacy settings to Medium High or lower.

Click apply


Users sign in with their email address and password.  To check your password follow the below link.



How to change my listed email address or update my account

You can login by visiting There you can either login to an existing account or create a new one.


After logging into the site, click on Update Profile.Enter your new information and click Submit.

If you would like to unsubscribe from the email offers change your preferences on the Update Profile screen.AzureBay does not share or sell customer information.


How to register the software

If your specific screen saver title is not listed on the registration page, choose �Other�.


You can register by visiting There you can either login to an existing account or create a new one.


How to download Bosus images

To receive an installation code to install your 10 generic bonus images (collected from various azurebay titles) on your CD you need to register the software.  The code will be found on the bottom of the registration page.  You can register by visiting There you can either login to an existing account or create a new one.


Users can download 10 generic bonus images by clicking on the Free Screen Saver Download link on the homepage


The 10 generic bonus images in the download are often identical to the bonus images contained on a CD.Non-generic bonus sets are contained only on certain country, Hawaiian, and bird installation CD�s.If a non-generic bonus set is contained on the CD it will not be listed simply as �bonus� during the installation.